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Bullets N/A
Ammunition N/A
Damage N/A
Critical chance N/A
Critical damage N/A
Rarity Makeshift

The Chair is one of the makeshift melees available in Pre-Alpha 1.7.3.


The Chair is a short makeshift melee weapon that is frequently used in official maps. It inflicts serious damage and break into a Chair Leg on destruction. The Chair will break after the first hit against a player or after three hits against a wall, lowering its damage output to 9 HP.


  • The Chair is surely the most common weapon since it can be find almost everywhere.
Weapons of Superfighters Deluxe
Melee PipeWrench Pipe Wrench · Bat Bat · Machete Machete · Fireaxe Fire Axe · Katana Katana · Hammer Hammer · Default Baton
Secondary Pistol1 Pistol (Silenced) · Uzi Uzi (Silenced) · Magnum Magnum · SFD FlareGun Flare Gun · SFD Revolver Revolver
Primary SawnOffShotgun Sawed-Off Shotgun · Pumpactionshotgun Pump-Action Shotgun · SMGNew Submachine Gun · AssaultRifle Assault Rifle · Carbine Carbine · SniperRifle Sniper Rifle · M60 M60 · Bazooka Bazooka · SFD Flamethrower Flamethrower · SFD GLauncher Grenade Launcher · Submachine gun Tommy Gun
Equipment GrenadeEquipment Grenades · SFD Molotov Molotovs · Default Mines